Introducing ZosterGent® Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Identification Reagent Test
Dr. Abbas Vafai, renowned microbiologist, former Chief, Biologics Branch at the CDC and inventor of the VZV Subunit Vaccine (SHINGRIX), pioneered the reagent test available on the market for the past decade. Now, Dr. Vafai has developed a better shingles test. The ZosterGent® Reagent Test offers six unique and highly specific monoclonal antibodies that deliver a brighter and more distinctive result, enabling increased diagnostic confidence for clinical laboratories and pathologists.
The ZosterGent® Reagent is a fast (20-30 minutes), simple (one-step, one-solution) fluorescent antibody test for the detection and confirmation of chickenpox (varicella) and shingles (zoster) clinical specimens and inoculated cell culture. ZosterGent® is conveniently delivered in a 6-pack test.
Who is at risk of contracting shingles?
It’s a valid question. We tend to think of shingles only occurring in senior adults, but anyone who has ever had chickenpox can develop shingles. And, while being over the age of 50 is the most common risk factor, there are others. Having HIV/AIDS and cancer can increase your risk, as the immune system is compromised and more receptive to disease. Radiation or chemotherapy can also lower your resistance and could be a catalyst for shingles. Certain medications such as prednisone (steroids) or those that prevent rejection of transplanted organs can also increase your risk of contracting shingles.
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